Blackpool South Primary Care Network

South Shore Primary Care, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TJ

South Shore Primary Care, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TJ

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

Other locations:

Self Help Services

Joy Marketplace is public referral system of over 20,000 services enabling quick referrals that connects patients with relevant services. It instantly refers you to high-quality local support and activities on the marketplace of services, which automatically stays up to date. Joy – The right support is just a few clicks away

Counselling in the Community are passionate about helping people through difficult periods in their lives.  They provide a safe, comfortable and confidential space for people to come to talk and to be heard. Counselling in the Community – Blackpool (


Aiming Higher supports families with disabled children Aiming Higher – Supporting Families With Disabled Children | Blackpool (

The light lounge is a welcoming and non-judgmental environment for individuals struggling socially and emotionally with life challenges or for those in crisis The Light Lounge | Facebook

Sexual Health Services for Blackpool and Lancashire Blackpool and Lancashire Sexual Health Service Sexual Health Service designed with all ages in mind.

Fylde Coast Womens Aid Supporting individuals on the Fylde Coast to live their lives free from abuse Fylde Coast Women’s Aid – Fylde Coast Women’s Aid – FCWA

Streetlife Established in 1982, Streetlife is an organisation which assists vulnerable young people in Blackpool. The Streetlife Trust – Supporting the Homeless in Blackpool

Macmillan If you’re diagnosed with cancer, your worries are our worries and we will move mountains to help you live life as fully as you can. Macmillan Cancer Support

The HUB Tel: 951604
You can self-refer to District Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and other community services.

Social Services Tel: 477592 or email
For all personal care or social related issues.

Citizens Advice Blackpool provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone, on their rights and responsibilities and to help you solve problems. Visit their website at: Blackpool CAB or call them on: 01253 308400

Blackpool Carers Trust –

Blackpool Carers Centre is an independent, local charity and network partner of Carers Trust.

Help with mental health and wellbeing

Blackpool Healthier Minds is a self referral service that can provide help with your mental health and wellbeing.
Ring: 01253 955700 or visit the Healthier Minds | Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (

Lancashire NHS Wellbeing and Mental Health Helpline: offers support and information outside normal office hours to anyone who may be concerned about their own mental health or that of someone they know. Call 0800 953 0110. The Helpline provides immediate emotional support for anyone experiencing distress, and can provide information about mental health support from over 800 local and national services and support groups. The Helpline is open Monday to Friday 7pm – 11pm and at weekends 12 midday – 12 midnight. 

Text support can be reached by messaging Shout, which is a free, confidential and 24/7 texting service. Simply text ‘Shout’ to 85258.Further support is available through Kooth offering self-help resources, online messaging and support for young people aged 11 to 25.

The Samaritans offer listening and support to help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles. They are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call, email or write to them. They have recently launched a new phone number that is free to call from all UK landlines and mobiles, including pay-as-you-go. It is: 116 123. Calls to this number will not show up on your bill. You can also contact them, and find helpful information, on the Samaritans website.

Help with drugs and alcohol

Horizon is a drug and alcohol treatment service in Blackpool for people over the age of 25. You can contact them directly, or your GP can refer you. Tel: 01253 752100 or visit Horizon – Horizon


SMOKEFREE Blackpool is a FREE stop smoking service supporting Blackpool residents to give up the habit and lead a healthier smoke free life. Please ring 01253 462463 or 0800 2461576 or visit Smokefree Blackpool.


Empowerment is dedicated to supporting the LGBT community in Blackpool and the Fylde.

They work with residents of the town to Advocate, co-produce, challenge domestic violence and all of its consequences, tackle social isolation and loneliness, recognising the uniqueness and potential of everyone.

The Empowerment Base is a safe space for all members of the community and we welcome everyone.

Supporting LGBT In Blackpool| Empowerment Charity

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