South Shore Primary Care, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TJ
South Shore Primary Care, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TJ
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
Other locations:
Alcohol Service (Community) | 01253 205157 | |
Age UK (Fylde) | 0300 303 1234 | |
Blackpool Council (including Environmental Health) | 01253 477477 | |
Bereavement Support | 01772 433645 | 0808 808 1677 |
Carers Team | 01253 393748 | |
Childline | 0800 1111 | |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 01253 308405 | |
Connect (Young People’s Health Information Services) | 01253 955856 | |
Council for Voluntary Services | 01253 476884 | |
Crimestoppers | 0800 555 111 | |
Dental Helpline | 0300 1234 010 | |
Diabetes UK | 0345 123 2399 | |
Drug Services (Adult) | 01253 205157 | |
Drug Services (Young People) The Hub | 01253 205157 | |
Macmillan Cancer Support | 0808 808 0000 | |
Mental Health Services (Adult) | 0800 013 0709 | |
Mental Health Services (Children & Young People) | 0808 8025544 | |
Patient Relations (formerly known as PALS) | 01253 955588 01253 955589 |
Police – Blackpool (Non Emergencies) | 101 | |
Samaritans (Blackpool) | 0330 094 5717 | |
Social Services (Office Hours) (Out of Hours) |
01253 477594 01253 477592 |
Walk In Centre | 01253 953953 |